Dare to be a Daniel?

Dare to be a Daniel?

Buffer zones and breaking unjust laws.A Christian Perspective It got me thinking.  A Christian politician cited the children’s song “Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone” as a personal favourite, then voted with 118 other MSPs for abortion clinic buffer zones in Scotland.   One MSP voted against the bill.  Surely he is the…

One Girl’s Story

One Girl’s Story

Helen is autistic.  One evening when she was 9 years old, she was upset.  Parents enquired what was bothering her.  She answered that she was worried that she might be a lesbian or bisexual.  She had been taught about these concepts at school and told that there was a significant chance that she was.  Parents…

Are open borders Biblical?

Are open borders Biblical?

A response to Logos Scotland’s report,“Shake the Dust” As Christians, we should explore God’s revelation and seek to apply its teaching to every aspect of life.  So, a Biblical look at immigration, refugees, borders and nationhood is welcome. There are several steps between Biblical text and policy application, from effective exegesis, through elucidating principles, to…

Punishment in Schools

Punishment in Schools

Context We live in a sentimental age.  Approaches to dealing with children reflect this. Indulgent parenting is rife.  Parents who can’t say “no” to their children are bowing to their every demand and permitting routine disobedience and unhealthy and mind-numbing lifestyles.  These parents are part of a generation who ‘learned’ that their personal foibles, faults…

Children’s “Right” to be Sexually Abused

Children’s “Right” to be Sexually Abused

Ever heard of Sexual Rights? Very possibly not. But don’t be embarrassed by your apparentignorance. They don’t actually exist! “Sexual Rights” get talked about and talked about, repeated ad infinitum, implied by theWHO, the UN and countless campaigning groups, including Amnesty International, whohave a special webpage on them 1 , but they don’t define what…